Government in Parliament (2020)

Opening of the Cayman Islands Parliament

Business Conducted by the Government during the first meeting of Parliament (2020-2021 session)

Learn about the business conducted by Government in the House of Parliament.

Minister Highlights Duty Concessions

17 December 2020

Finance and Economic Development Minister, Hon. Roy McTaggart highlights Cabinet approval for duty concessions.

Minister Shares About Robust Regime

15 December 2020

Minister reiterates that despite global issues, financial services industry continues to be Cayman Islands’ strongest and most robust pillar of economy.

Minister Highlights Accomplishments

15 December 2020

Minister for Education, Youth, Sports, Agriculture and Lands, Hon. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly provided the ministry’s annual reports for 2017-2019. 

Increased Funding for Sports Announced
11 December 2020
More support for the six focus sports and addition of two more sports disciplines (volleyball and squash)
MEYSAL 2020 2nd Supplementary
11 December 2020
Hon. Juliana O'Connor-Connolly on exceptional circumstances appropriation changes resulting in 2nd Supplementary
Deputy Governor Lauds Civil Service
10 December 2020
DG speaks to savings achieved, employment for young Caymanians and better engagement survey results
COVID-19 Vaccination Plan
10 December 2020
Cabinet has approved a National COVID-19 vaccination plan
Deputy Governor on Quarantine Safety
10 December 2020
Safety measures for quarantine at residence/gov't-run facilities
Update on the Cayman Islands Regiment
10 December 2020
Premier provides an update on the CI Regiment
Finance Minister on Government-guaranteed loans
7 December 2020
Hon. Roy McTaggart announces that commencement date for the acceptance of applications
Premier's Statement as Parliament Opens
4 December 2020
Hon. Alden McLaughlin delivers statement during this historic occasion
Cayman Islands Ushers in Parliament
4 December 2020
Ceremony marks the  transition from the Legislative Assembly to the House of Parliament 

Proposed Legislation

The first meeting of Parliament is scheduled to deal with 11 bills. One of them, the Citation of Acts of Parliament Bill, 2020, unanimously passed on the first working of Parliament on Monday, 7 December 2020. This bill enables the Parliament to henceforth pass Acts instead of Laws that were passed by the Legislative Assembly. All 11 bills will result in Acts of Parliament if all are passed.

Click on the links below to download a PDF copy of each bill.

Read more here.

Government Motions

Below are the Government Motions that Government is scheduled thus far to deal with in the first meeting of Parliament.

Parliamentary Questions and Answers

Members of Cabinet including Ministers and Ex-Officio Members provide answers to parliamentary questions posed by the Elected Members of Parliament. These answers provide information, updates and details about policies, programmes and services that the Government provides to the people of the Cayman Islands.

The answers as prepared for replying to the questions in Parliament during the first meeting follow.

  • Parliamentary question asked by MLA Mr. Alva Suckoo, Elected Member for Newlands, to the Honourable Joey Hew, MLA, Minister responsible for Commerce, Planning & Infrastructure


Can the Hon. Minister indicate if the Cayman Islands are on target to meet the 70% renewable energy in our energy mix by 2037 as stated in our National Energy Policy?


Mister Speaker, a consultation document was issued by the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) for a Renewable Energy Auction Scheme (REAS).  OfReg plans to launch the scheme in 2021-2022 which will follow the Integrated Resource Plan roadmap for adding renewables to the grid.

OfReg has also approved a Battery Energy Storage System for CUC which will allow approximately 12 MW of capacity to be added as distributed energy resources. In other words, it would provide more capacity to extend the CORE and DER programs. This will bring the total renewable energy capacity to 29 MW and close to the 2025 projections for that energy resource.

Mister Speaker, in addition to this, an application for a utility scale solar farm was recently submitted to OfReg for consideration and barring any unforeseen circumstances, OfReg expect to be at approximately 25% - 30% renewable energy by 2027 and remain on track to achieve the 70% target by 2037.

  • Parliamentary question #2 asked by MLA Mr. Alva Suckoo, Elected Member for Newlands, to the  Honourable Samuel W. Bulgin, QC, Attorney General


Can the Honourable Attorney General provide an update on the planned implementation of anti-bullying legislation in the Cayman Islands?


Mister Speaker, on the 10th November, 2020, the Law Reform Commission, in accordance with section 12 of the Law Reform Commission Law (2019 Revision), submitted for my attention its Final Report entitled “Bullying: Legislation Policy or Both?” which includes a draft Education (Amendment) Bill, 2020 and  draft Anti-Bullying (Schools) Regulations, 2020

Mister Speaker, the Final Report contains recommendations that speak to the introduction of a legislative framework to address bullying in schools and it is supported by –

(a)    proposed amendments to the Education Law, 2016 to mandate that all schools formulate an Anti-Bullying Policy; and

(b)   the introduction of proposed regulations that focus on –

  • defining the bullying concept;
  • the formulation of anti-bullying policies; and
  • reporting, investigative and enforcement procedures.

Mister Speaker, as this subject falls under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, Agriculture and Lands (“the Ministry”), I delivered a copy of the Final Report to the Acting Chief Officer of the Ministry for attention.

Mister Speaker, in terms of process, the Ministry will review and consider the recommendations contained in the Final Report and then determine whether it wishes to place the Final Report before Cabinet for consideration.

Mister Speaker, if the Final Report is presented to Cabinet, it is at that stage Cabinet would determine whether to accept the recommendations and approve instructions leading towards the enactment, promulgation and implementation of the legislation. 

Thank you Mister Speaker.

  • Parliamentary question # 3 asked by the Elected Member for the constituency of East End, Hon. V. Arden McLean to the Honourable Minister responsible for Employment & Border Control


Can the Honourable Minister say:

A.    How many complaints has the Department of Pensions received from employees regarding pension deductions not being made to their pension plan?

B.     How many complaints were received during the 6 month withdrawal period?

C.     How many employers are being investigated for criminal prosecution as a result of the complaints, and what is the status of those investigations?


A.    Presently, the Department of Labour & Pensions (“the Department”) has 225 active pension cases which are derived from employee complaints.  

B.     During the 6 month emergency pension withdrawal period (1st May 2020 to 31st October 2020), a total of 27 new cases were reported to the Department due to the receipt of employee complaints.  Those cases are presently under investigation by Senior Officers.

C.     Currently, the Department has 15 pensions cases in Summary Court and is preparing charges against a further 2 employers with several others in the preparatory stages, these matters remain ongoing.

It should also be noted that in 2020, the Department concluded 3 pensions court cases which resulted in the collection of the pension contributions for the employees of about CI$325,000.  

  • Parliamentary question # 4 asked by the Elected Member for the constituency of West Bay North, MLA Bernie Bush to the Honourable Minister responsible for Employment and Border Control


Can the Honourable Minister say whether there are any outstanding permanent residency annual fees that came due between 1st November 2019 and 31st October 2020? If so, what is the total amount of the unpaid fees?


Between 1st November 2019 and 31st October 2020, 640 persons were in arrears and owed a total of CI$5,147,335.52 to the Cayman Islands Government in permanent residency fees.