House of Parliament

The Government in Parliament

The third meeting of the 2022-2023 Session of the House of Parliament, will see the Government present the Strategic Policy Statement (SPS) 2024-2026 along with eight (8) bills.

Strategic Policy Statement

Government Administration Building

The Cayman Islands Government Strategic Policy Statement (SPS) outlines the government's policy priorities for the upcoming three financial years 2024 thru 2026.

The document is guided by the Public Management and Finance Act (2020 Revision) (PMFA), Section 23, which stipulates that the SPS must contain economic forecasts and financial targets of the government.

The SPS is also an opportunity to present the Government’s Broad and Specific Outcomes.  The Broad and Specific Outcomes establish the purpose and the reason or the why and the what for the next budget.  In preparing the 2024-26 SPS we have taken a different approach and for the first time, the document starts off with an overview of the Broad and Specific Outcomes before moving into the economic forecasts and financial targets.  

These changes align with the Public Management and Finance Act (2020 Revision) (PMFA), Section 23 and create a fresh and engaging way to share the Government’s vision with our community.

In Addition to starting with the Broad and Specific Outcome the new SPS approach:

  • Allows the Government's work to be strategically aligned inter ministry;
  • The presentation and layout makes it easier for the public to see and understand the government's priorities;
  • Builds stronger connectivity between SPS, the plan and estimates, “the Budget” documents as well as Ministry and Portfolio Performance Management;
  • Aligns funding to funding to priority areas;
  • Provides a positive look to the public showcasing the unification of Government on priority projects.

Latest News

The third special meeting of the 2022-2023 session of the House of Parliament was held on Friday, 21 April 2023.
Watch the proceedings on our Parliament playlist.